Hi everyone and welcome! Thought I'd just share a little of my life recently (and it might go a little way to explaining why I've been unable to drop by your blogs in quite a while).
Think I shared previously (losing track) that I got some shows recorded for
IndigoBlu, and these are currently being broadcast throughout February on
britishcraftnetwork.tv. And I'm pleased to say plans are afoot for more of those to come in the foreseeable future! Thank you so much to all of you that have passed on fabulous messages of support and praise - it means the world x
Obviously the DT work and demos have continued apace (had the BEST time ever at PoppyCraft in Wallingford) and closer to home at Back2Craft in Walsall it was fast paced and furious with four in depth make n take sessions in one day! Thank you to everyone who came along to these for making them so enjoyable, and to the lovely Verna and Val at PoppyCraft and the wonderful whirlwind that is Sarah at Back2Craft.
And so to the last four days... it all started on the Saturday with a one day workshop at my local craft store at Byrkley Park Garden Centre, Rangemore with 21 eager and enthusiastic ladies all ready to get down and just a little dirty with paint and flake. To say I got them working way outside their comfort zones, the results were superb - hats off to you all! A huge thank you just doesn't seem a big enough way to show my appreciation to Wendy for organising this and even coming in on her day off to help throughout the day. It would not have been possible without you x
Here are some photos of the day...
Then it was off to the trade show at the NEC, Birmingham to a place I was thrilled to call home for three days, demo'ing on the IndigoBlu stand! Seriously, it was SO busy that I didn't get any photos of the stand (thank you so much Kay for this pre-show shot and for the chance to do this!) The stand had everyone in raptures (huge round of applause to the DT/demonstrators for the awesome samples) and they were LOVING the new stamp designs, papers and seeing what could be done with English Cottage Artist's Acrylic Paints.

Best not to ask me what was on display at the show! I got as far as seeing Finnabair and the Decoart stand (with the fabulous Mark Gould and uber-smiley creative wonder that is Andy Skinner) but that was it. It was lovely to have some of my personal heroes drop by the stand to say hello too - Kath Stewart was taking a well deserved opportunity to just enjoy the show, my good pal Rosella Cottrell flew by in between demo'ing and her shows on C&C, and Jennie Boxall came by too with Mal by her side. Then I finally got to meet the gem of a lady that is Julia Stratford-Wright in person. How long have I worked alongside and 'known' this lady and yet it took until now to finally get to see her irl!

Can't even begin to describe how fantastic it was to catch up with the beautiful Brenda Brown throughout the three days (boy, that lady has stamina!) and we were joined by another creative genius and all round lovely person, Astrid Maclean on Tuesday! You'll probably have spotted that the paint splattered pinny was welded on to me permanently the whole time.
So now I'm back home, getting posts written for the coming days, looking forlornly at the state of the house and trying to figure out which of the long list of creative jobs needs doing first - it's silly busy but incredibly exciting! And now you know why my attempts at general blog hopping/visiting has all but ground to a halt, and I can't promise normal service will be resumed any time soon, but I do have a plan hatched to make it up to you - more on that to come (mwahaha!)...
I'll be back tomorrow with that step by step for Frilly and Funkie so I hope you can drop by for that.
In the meantime take care of yourselves, Jenny xxx